Roadmap To Energy Sustainability
An Energy Trilemma
The world faces an Energy Trilemma warns the International Energy Agency. “Security, Sustainability, and Economic Prosperity – this is the classic Energy Trilemma that we as humanity face”. “Access to modern energy — a basic form of energy security — continues to elude almost a fifth of the world’s population,” noted IEA executive director Maria van der Hoeven on the report’s launch. “For billions more, any true sense of energy security is undermined by high energy prices.”
Today vs 2040
What can be readily discerned from the above two charts is that renewables will represent on a global basis a total of 14% of total global energy consumption in the year 2040, according to EIA forecasts (this figure includes hydroelectric, geothermal, biomass, wind and solar). Although oil and coal will see a slight decrease as an overall percentage in our overall energy mix their use as an energy source will increase significantly according to EIA forecasts..
What is important to take away from this information, is our energy requirements are forecasted to increase by 50+% in the year 2040!
This means the use of coal and oil as energy source will also increase by 50+%, and with this increase in global consumption there will be a proportionate increase of harmful emissions, CO2, NOx, sulfur, heavy metals (mercury), carcinogens, volatile organic matter (VOMs) and particulate matter – all are destructive to our environment, animal, plant and marine life, as well as to human health.
Ethic’s Importance to our Future Energy Needs
There exists today a viable, proven, economical alternative that utilizes our most abundant global natural resource in an environmentally responsible manner – without burning in a primitive way – Ethic Energy’s mixed ion electron conducting NCMR Reactor – producing environmentally responsible fuels while eliminating human health, climate and environmental concerns associated with oil and coal.
There simply exists no other way for humanity to reach its goal of carbon neutrality as the above graphs clearly demonstrate “we simply cannot get to our desired objective with current technology” without negatively impacting human progress, economic growth and creating additional world poverty.
The solution is Ethic Energy.